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September 2012
The following account comes from the Royal Archives of Assyria and dates from the seventh century BCE. The speaker is the Emperor Ashurnasirpal (883-859 BCE) displaying his royal power. The feast was held to commemorate the inauguration of his new palace ( "The Palace Of Juniper") in the capital city of Calah. The New Assyrian Empire, though short, was one that combined various cultures into a unique culture.
Sham, or al-Sham as known to the Arab historians, spread from Damascus to Susa in Elam and North to the Caucasus Mountains......It's capital in 700 BC was Calah (near the present site of Nimrud)
The Assyrian Calendar begins with the first recorded year of the "beginning of civilization" (shooraya d'mdeetanayoota) as seen through the eyes of the ancient Bet-Nahranaye (Mesopotamians). These ancient inhabitants of Assyria, Babylon, and Sumer believed that civilization was a "gift from the gods" and it was marked from the time "kingship was lowered from heaven" ......somwhere around around 4750 B.C.......evidently near Calah.......
a tablet from the early 9th century B.C. which depicts the Babylonian solar deity Sham Ash
KABALAH...(48E 42N)...On the Caspian Sea where the Caucasus Mountains meet the sea, in the Shirvan province is the capital Ash-Shamakha, near the famous port of Darband. In the mountains near Darband was the ancient fortress of Kabalah, on a hill, near the current Soviet border. north of the port of Baku. Location of a great castle called Kal'ah Taj. The remains of a mighty castle (kal'ah), a 'mother of castles' situated on the great Tarum River that flowed from the mountains of Tarum in northern Persia. Like Samiran, its site remains unidentified. On its walls were lions of gold. The ancient fortress of Kabalah near Darband is more than once mentioned in the campaigns of Timur. Le Strange, G...."The Lands of the Eastern Caliphate"...1966
ASH SHAMAKHA....(49E..41N)...(Shemakha)..."Beyond the Kur River (Araxes), along the Caspian Sea in the Caucasus Range is the Shirvan Province with its capital of Ash-Shamakha, site of the fountain of life.. Foot of the mountains. Beautiful gardens. In the mountains of Darband was the fortress of Kabalah, on a hill." (Le Strange; 179)... ancient circular city surrounded by a circular ring of mountains
CALAH .......A city of Assyria, built by Ashur or by Nimrod, Ge 10:11,12. It was at some distance from Nineveh, and Resen lay between them. It is thought to have been near the river Lycus, the great Zab, which empties into the Tigris.
"A glimpse into ancient Persian cosmology is the royal city of Hagmatan (Hamadan, Agbatana, Ekbatana)[50E 32N] built in 800 BC by King Deioces (Daiukku) of the Medes....... This city was just south of Calah........Seven concentric circles within walls, each higher than the preceding wall as one passed toward the center hill where the palace stood. The 7th and highest wall was painted gold (sun)...the 6th was painted silver (moon)...the 5th wall was painted orange...the fourth was painted blue...the third was painted red...the second black...and the outermost wall was painted white. Orange was the fiery morning 'asman', blue the noonday 'asman', red for the evening asman. The array of colors chosen for the encircling walls of the royal city was similar to that of the robe of warriorhood and sovereignty described in the Denkart." (Campbell: 97)..
624 AD....."In 624 AD, a Moslem invasion weakened the Kingdom of Shambhala."(Roerich: 753) (Geoffrey Hopkins: 60)...
624 AD..(Arabic Historians)......"The Great Battle of Badr took place two years after the Hijra in 624 AD. This was the first battle that the believers ever engaged in with the disbelievers, and it is, by far, the most famous and most renown, becuase of the several extraordinary events that occured during it. Rasoolullah (saws) had encouraged the Muslims to oppose the Quraish caravan which was returning to Mecca from Sham." ......At this battle the pagan army from Sham consisted of 950 warriors.........
They went to Wad! al Qura where they tarried a while and then proceeded northward until they reached Adhri'at near the frontier of al Sham,
"in 624 C.E., a non-Indic religion will arise in Mecca. Because of a lack of unity among the brahmans?people and laxity in following correctly the injunctions of their Vedic scriptures, many will accept this religion when its leaders threaten an invasion. To prevent this danger, Manjushri Yashas united the people of Shambhala into a single "vajra-caste" by conferring upon them the Kalachakra empowerment. By his act, the king became the First Kalki ?the First Holder of the Caste. ........... As the founding of Islam dates from 622 C.E., two years before Kalachakra? predicted date, most scholars identify the non-Indic religion with that faith. Descriptions of the religion elsewhere in the Kalachakra texts as having the slaughter of cattle while reciting the name of its god, circumcision, veiled women, and prayer facing its holy land five times a day reinforce their conclusion."
In 624 AD the Sassian Shah Yazdigird is defeated by the Arabs at the battle of Nahavand...In Iran, the great Sassanian dynasty collapsed in the 7th century under the Arab onslaught...."in the era of the Mlecchas, the starting year of the Kalacakra chronology is the first year of the Hijra, calculated from the year 624 AD."..( 753)....
624 AD...'the Emperor Heraclkes captures the Persian residence of Ganzaca (Ganjak) with its cosmic throne room." (Sacral Kingship: 484)...
Click Here for Map of Damascus and Calah in 600 BC...
"Shambala is usually depicted as circular. Divided like a Dharma-Wheel, it spreads out between high mountains and contains many cities. In the centre of the hub is the capital Kalapa."
In the center of Damascus.......the remants of a hill on which once stood a great castle (Kala, Calah).......Damascus is known since ancient times as, the eye or the pearl of the East.......or the Eye of the Sun
The city stands 2267 feet above sea level and enjoys a very mild climate
Include twenty-nine villages
"To the south of the Town of Kalapa (capital of Shambala) is the Sandalwood Park, twelve yojanas across, same as the town of Kalapa. To its east is Lesser Manasa Lake, twelve yojanas across, and to the west is White Lotus Lake, of the same extent. In between these two is Sandalwood Park. In the centre of Sandalwood Park is the great Kalachakra Mandala built by King Suchandra (first king of Shambala), consisting of the gods and goddesses made out of the five jewels, square, four hundred hastas across. {From the Vimalaprabha)"
635 A.D. was a turning point in the history of Damascus. In March of that year, the city faced the onslaught of the Islamic armies ....which coincides with the Kalachakra calendar.......(624 AD....."In 624 AD, a Moslem invasion weakened the Kingdom of Shambhala."(Roerich: 753) (Geoffrey Hopkins: 60)... )
"The Great Battle of Badr took place on the seventeenth of Ramadan, two years after the Hijra. This was the first battle that the believers ever engaged in with the disbelievers, and it is, by far, the most famous and most renown, becuase of the several extraordinary events that occured during it. Rasoolullah (saws) had encouraged the Muslims to oppose the Quraish caravan which was returning to Mecca from Sham."
When the Armageddon (the great wars) occurs, a group from the masters (lords) will come from Damascus.
In 1400, while the Damascus armies were in the south, the Mongolian King Tamurlane took advantage of the cities lack of defenses and conquered the city.........Was Tamurlane related to Gesar......
The religion of Sham was considered "pagan" by the early Christians and Muslims.......was the cult of Sol Invictus (the Unconquered Sun), the worship of the divine spirit by whom the whole universe is ruled, the spirit whose symbol is the sun.....also the Solar Cosmology of Mithra
Assyrian sun god.....Sham -ash, Ash-Sham.......rises from the mountains with rays out of his shoulders. He enters and exits the underworld through a set of gates in Mt. Mashu guarded by scorpion-people.
Ash-Sham in Syriac means "goodness"
Damascus is at the edge of the Syrian Desert
The term Sham has included, throughout the Muslim history, means northern region......
Damascus, Syria.....has the reputation of being the oldest city in the world though there are no actual records of when Damascus was founded - as records were not kept by its early inhabitants. More recent discoveries suggest that Damascus was first settled ca. 6,000 B.C. but some discoveries suggest that it is older than 8,000 B.C. but we don't know exactly who ruled Damascus at that time. An old story says that its name "Sham" was derived from "Shem" the eldest son of Noah because he chose to live there after the flood.........Shem in Hebrew means Sun......
Damascus (Arab. Dimisk es-Sham, or simply es-Sham), the eye or the pearl of the East for the Arabs, is now the capital of Syria. The city stands 2267 feet above sea level and enjoys a very mild climate, owing to the Barada, which runs through it and to its numerous fountains or springs. It is surrounded by the groves and gardens of the Ghouta which stretch about ten miles south and east and include twenty-nine villages, the inhabitants of which are devoted to fruit culture (oranges, lemons, etc. especially plums and apricots).
Shâm (Shem) is the Syriac name of the elder son of Noah. His name is in Arabic is Sam. After The Flood, Sham decided to live in the land which is today called Damascus. Sham became the name of a land that includes Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine. Some geographers refer to this land (Bilad al-Sham) as the Great Syria.
n Hebrew, the word for sun is:.......shemesh, sheh'-mesh; from an unused root mean. to be brilliant; the sun; by impl. the east; fig. a ray, i.e. (arch.) a notched battlement:-- + east side (-ward), sun ([rising]), + west (-ward), window.
In 635 A.D. Islam was introduced to Damascus by Khalid Bin Al-Walid. Arabs were very welcomed by Syrians. Thus, they have converted to Islam and changed their language from Syriac to Arabic in a very short time. In 661 Damascus became the capital of the new Islamic state which extended to be from south of France to west of China.
Damascus has a lot of mosques and madrasas (medieval schools for Muslim learning). Some of the most important sites are the Umayyad (or Great) Mosque, the fourth holiest mosque in Islam. The Umayyad Masjid is very unique since Jesus (pbuh) will descend in the eastern part of Damascus near a White Minaret (tower) of the Umayyad Masjid to begin the holy campaign against the false messiah (Antichrist). Damascus also is the capital of Imam al-Mahdi who will rule Muslims just before the second coming of Jesus (pbuh). The Prophet (pbuh) recomended it to many of his companians.
The Prophet (pbuh) said: The place of assembly of the Muslims at the time of the Armageddon (al-Malhamah, the great war) will be in al-Ghutah near a city called Damascus, one of the best cities in Sham. (Abu-Dawud)
Ibn 3abbâs asked Ka3b al-Ahbâr (a Jew scholar who converted to Islam): "what is the description of Muhammad in the Torah?" Ka3b replied: "we find him Muhammad son of 3Abdullah. He will born in Mecca, immigrated to Medina, and his reign will be in Sham." (Darami)
When the Armageddon (the great wars) occurs, a group from the masters (lords) will come from Damascus. They are the most honorable horses (horse is the symbol of honor) among Arabs and They have the best weapons among them (Arabs). Allah will support The Religion (Islam) with them. (Ibn Majah, Hakem, Ibn-3asaker)
The place of the house of Islam is in Sham. (Siuti, Tabarani)
Damascus has a special position in Christianity. It was mentioned in the Bible many times. Jesus (pbuh) lived a while in this city with his mother in his childhood. Christianity was introduced to Damascus in a very early age (20-30 A.D.). Paul (Saul of Tarsus) arrived in Damascus in approximately 34 A.D. It was on the Long Road in Damascus that he had his vision that left him blind and convinced him that he should not carry out his mission to arrest the Christians of Damascus. (Note that Muslims believe that Paul caused most of the corruption of the Christianity). Damascus became an important center for Christians and the Bishop of Damascus became the second most important ecclesiastical figure after the Patriarch of Antioch.
Damascus has many holy places in Christianity. For example: St. Paul's Church, Al-Maryamyah Cathedral (The Cathedral of Virgin Mary), and the Tomb of St. John the Baptist (pbuh). In the Christian quarter there are various semi-legendary sites associated with the conversion of St. Paul. The “street called Straight” (Acts 9:11) is one of the main thoroughfares in the bazaar.