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MA...."country of happy Ma" "The country of Ma in Kham. Ma Yang Chug Mo, the Land of Ling" (Lopez: 94) "Upper Ma Thama, the land Happy Valley" (Lopez: 89)..."in the great land of rMa is the snowy mountain rMa rgyal spom ra." (Blondeau: 80)....
MAGYARS...unique Ugric-Turkic origin, related to the Finns
MAZANDARAN....a region of northern Iran famous for its irreligion
MEDES...A people from the Caspian area who moved into NW Iran around 1400 BC. They dominated Persia by 600 BC. Cyaxares (614 BC).The Parthians, vassals of the Medes, revolted under Cyrus II, who became ruler of both in 550 BC ....Media was a rich province. surrounded by mountain ranges. Eastward was the Grest Desert of Persia. Capital was Hamadan (Ecbatana)...Arabs called it Al-Jibal (mountains). Range beyond range, stretch eastward to the Great Desert of Central Persia. Included many great cities. Hamadan, Ray, Ispahan. Later the Mongols established Sultaniyah in its northern plains, which became their capital in the 13th Century. Numerous castles (kal'ah). Hamadan was rebuilt after the Moslem conquest and again destroyed with the Mongol invasion of 1220 AD. Southwest of Hamadan rises the great mountain of Alvand, or Arvand. Summit is always covered in snow. Tarum River in the Jibal Province (Media). River was a right bank affluent of the Safid River. Near the Caspian Sea. Firuzabad was a Tarum capital. Median tribes: Busae, Parataceni, Struchates, Arizanti, Budii, Magi. "The remains of a mighty castle (kal'ah), a 'mother of castles' situated on the great Tarum River that flowed from the mountains of Tarum in northern Persia. Like Samiran, its site remains unidentified. On its walls were lions of gold. (Le Strange: 226)...."the Medes settled in Azerbijan, the country where the fire worship seems to have originated." ( 347)...
MITANNI....(1500 BC)...Indo European Mithraic society that controlled Assyria for a time. Indo-European gods. (Mackenzie)....(James:1963)...
MONGOLS...."Kublai Khan told Marco Polo: 'The Christians worship Jesus, the Saracens worship Mohammed, the Jews worship Moses and the idolaters worship Sakyamuni Burkhan." (Marco Polo in Waugh: 69)...
MI-NYAG and SUMPA..two countries lying between Tibet and China
MUKPO CLAN...The six clans (dong) of Tibet: Mukpo, Gade, Drupa, Denma, Shenpa, Tagrong, Dege(?)..."I have kept the name Mukpo as my family name, my identity, my pride." ( 94)..."gdong: face, a synonym of cha-chen; clan, beak, countenance"...For a description of the different lineages see: (Karmay: 1972)...."rMu bza (Mu wife) was the grandmother of Gesar." "sMug'po gdong or Idong, one of the four original tribes of Tibet from which the people of gLing were descended. Ancient saying: 'The descendants of the Mugpo Dong race think only of conquering other peoples." (Norbu: 5-8)..."The personal 'shen' of the Shangshung King Thothori was of the Mu clan." (Stein: 230)...."Shenrab Miwo's clan is considered to be descended from the bMu deities, an ancient class of celestial deities. dMu is also the name of one of the four original tribes of Tibet." (Tharthang: 114)..."According to legend, a messenger of Phyva goes to the heaven of dMu, asking for a dMu king to rule over the black headed men." (Bansal: 86)..."then the dMu people, belonging to gShen rabs forefather dMu-rgyal"..(Francke: 1950: 169)....."one of the six semi-legendary royal races of Olmolungring: dMu, dPo, Shag, rGya, gNyan, Hos"..(Norbu: 271)...
ODDIYANA...."Small kingdom northwest of India (Swat in Pakistan) to which tradition ascribes the origin of the Dzogchen teachings of teh Buddhist tradition." (Norbu: 150)...
OZ...Ancient Russian kingdom (50N...56E)...
PATZINAKS...Turkic group in Kazakhstan in 550 BC
PERSIA: (rTag gzigs...sTag gzig...Tazik...Aryan=Iran) ..."In 300 BC, Persia, by virtue of its geographical position was the connecting link between the East and the West." (James:1963)... "The Persian empire of Cyrus the Great was founded in 549 B.C. The Saka peoples appear North East of Iran as mounted nomads in 530 BC. Mounted nomadism first appeared around 1000 B.C. in Central Asia." (Phillips: 129)..."The mounted deities of Tibet have a striking resemblance to the Iranian 'Fravashi'." (Hoffman: 95)... "The Greek historian Pliny the Elder (23-79 BC) wrote in the 1st Century BC that the Greeks were upset because the Persians were inviting Celtic Druid priests from the Isles of Britain to come to Persia and teach them magic." (Green: 41)......"Tazig refers more specifically to the area immediately west of the Pamirs, namely Sogdiana and Bactria." (Rao: 392)....In Iran, the great Sassanian dynasty collapsed in the 7th century under the Arab onslaught. Yazdgard fled the royal city of Cresiphon and the Arab victory of Nihavand in 622 AD marked the beginning of the dissolution of the Sassanian empire..."the spelling sTag-gzig consists of two Tibetan (Shang Shung?) words, stag (tiger) and gzig (leopard). (Snellgrove:1968)..."The ancient Persian conception of the sun (hvar) was that of a ruling power." (Campbell: 209)...Cyrus the Great, Achaemenid Ruler, conquered Asia Minor and in 539 BC occupied Babylon together with the Fertile Crescent. Susa was his capital.Cyrus I was also known as Kura-as Sar.....[The lotus blossom on the tomb of Cyrus dated to 540 BC seems identical to the ring of petals in the Shambhala cosmology. One of the gardens surronding the tomb was a lotus garden.]..(Acta: 68)(Bryant: 65)..."the Lotus ornament is well known in Persia in Persepolis, Susa, and at Naqsh-i-Rustam in the Tomb of Darius." (Rudenko: 246)..."Tazig: appears to signify Persia. 13 days horseback ride from Ling, at a place called Memoyu Thang." (David-Neel: Gesar: 239)
PHRYAIANS...(1200 BC)...Indo-European speakers who occupied central Anatolia. Chief deity was called Ma, the Great Mother." (Langer: Ency World History: 1940)...
PHROM...."The country of Phrom, where King Ge-sar ruled over the Turks (ie: Eastern Turkestan)." (Hoffman:1979)..."Gesar was the King of Trhom (Phrom), the place name Rum for Byzantium or Anatolia, the ancient Rome of the Near East. Ling is an abbreviation of the term denoting the whole world, ('dzam-gling: Jambudvipa)." (Stein: 280)....Conquered most of western Central Asis in the 7th Century AD..."Phrom or Khrom. Probably Byzantium and the Anatolian peoples." (Norbu: 272)... the northwest of Tibet, visited by Francke in the early twentieth century. (June 50)...
PUR...Country of Pur...Mountain of Penerita...
RUSSIA...."In 987 AD the Grand Duke Vladimir Red Sun of Rus sent an expedition into the Altai region looking for Belovida (Shambhala)...(Kharatidi: 78)...The eminent historian and ethnologist Lev Gumilev (see: Kuznetsov: 1970) became interested in the Shambhala myth while a prisoner in the Siberian Gulag. He is the son of the great Russian poet Anna Akmatova...
SAKA..."On the map of Shambhala, Saka is shown exactly where it is supposed to be: north of Bactria near Lake Balkash.(45N-75E).Between 154 and 114 BC the Saka broke through the Parthian defense lines and seized a region in eastern Persia that has retained their name to this day: Sakastan (Seistan).(Kuznetsov: 568)..."Shag-yul: Country of the Saka. This is in the northeast corner of the map and refers to the consolidation of the Saka and Yueh-chi (Tocharians) in the Kushan dynasty."(Kuznetsov: 573)...Shapur: King of the Sakas......"By the testimony of Herodotus, the Greeks called them Scyths and the Persians called them Sakas."...(Rudenko:1970)..."The Sacae conquered Media in 630 BC and ruled for 28 years. Median King Astibar. Zarina, queen of the Sacae. Kydreias, King of the Sacae. Tomyris, queen of the Massagetae. Sacian King Amorg." (Rudenko: 224)...
SAKA...MASSAGETAE....OD-MA-BYAMS-SKYA'I-YUL..."Mhgasakata or 'great Saka' the name of the Saka tribes known as the Massagetae to the Greeks. In the northeast is the 'country of strong Saka, reflecting the consolidation of the Saka and the Yueh-chi (Tocharians) in the Kusha dynasty under Kadphises I in the 1st century AD."..."...(Kuznetsov: 574-576)..."Zarina, warrior queen of the Sacae. After the death of her husband Kydreias she married the Parthian Prince Mermer." (Rudenko: 224)...
SAKYA (Saka, Shaka, Sacae, Shakya).....The first seven Kings of Shambhala were descended from the Shakya clan..(Bryant: 69)... A Scythian tribe originated near Lake Balkash but were forced to move south in 165 BC. Occupied the Swat Valley and Gandhara after conquering the Indo-Greeks. Alexander fought against the Massagetae, a people of the nomadic Saka confederacy in 328 BC on the site of the modern Leninabad (Khojent) on the Jaxartes. This became Alexandria Eschate, (40 N, 80 E), his farthest excursion into Central Asia. (Encyclopedia Britanica)....Sucandra was the first of the seven Shakya kings of Shambhala.His father was Shakya Shambha." (Bernbaum: 285)...Saka is a Middle Iranian Language.....The Saka peoples appear North East of Iran as mounted nomads in 530 BC. Cyrus failed to subdue the Massagetae beyond the Oxus in 530 BC." (Phillips: 129)...[Sidenote: the Kalachakra initiation is never performed in the Northeast Sector of a community]....In Persian sources, the Scythians (8-3rd C BC) were called Saka......"The Saka tribes who settled in the western Pamir in the 2nd Century BC were obviously not able to continue their nomadic ways."..(Gafurov: 137)...."On the map of Shambhala, Saka is shown exactly where it is supposed to be, north of Bactria, near Lake Balkash (45N-75E). Between 154 and 114 BC the Saka broke the Parthian defense lines and seized a region in eastern Iran known as Sakastan (Seistan)." (Kuznetsov: 568)..."The ancient Persian Sun- worship and the period of the Sakas beginning in the middle of the 2nd Century BC." (Humbach: 241)...."Shaapur, King of the Sakyas"..."Herodotus, the classical Greek historian, went to Scythis and gathered a great deal of first hand information." (Rudenko: xxx)..."Among the Black Sea Scythes, King Scylas did not like the Scythian way and was deposed by Octamasadas." (Rudenko: 216)..."Scythian King Idanthyrus, whom Darius avoided in battle." (Rudenko: 286)...
SAKYA (India): "Saka Kings like Rudradamana had taken to the Sanskrit language and Vaisnava religion. Malwa, Guzerat and Kathiawad had been ruled for centuries by the Saka dynasty" (Dasgupta: cii)....Gautama Buddha was a member of the Shakya tribe. Mahavira, the founder of Jainism, was a member of the Jnatrkas tribe...The earliest Saka King was Maues, (Mauakes Moga) 95-75 BC. Mathura (in modern Uttar Pradesh) was an early headquarters. Their coins not only included the Indian goddess Lakshmi, but also the Greek Palla Athene and Herakles. Malwa, with their capital city of Ujjain in the Western Kshatrapas, from which they ruled Rajputana and Maharashtra for 300 years...."The period of the invasion of the Sakas and Kushans into India in the middle of the 2nd Century BC." (Acta: 239)
SARMATIANS...steppes 400 BC. Absorbed the Scythians..."Indo-Europeans occupied the steppes from the Ukraine to Kazakistan. The Caucasus Mountains formed a barrier between the Sarmatians and the Persian Empire. Excellent horse warriors. 6th- 3rd centuries BC. These early Sarmatians have been confused with the Scythians." (Newark: 20)...
SCYTHIANS...(Kurgans)...emerged from Turkestan into the Caucasus, squeezing out the Cimmerians. Struggled with the Medes and Assyrians in 600 BC. Large burial mounds. May be related to the Highland Scots. They had the equestrian shock-strategies of subsequent nomadic armies.
SHAM....ancient Syria...Ash-Sham was Damascus...
Damascus (Arab. Dimisk es-Sham, or simply es-Sham), the eye or the pearl of the East for the Arabs, is now the capital of Syria. The city stands 2267 feet above sea level and enjoys a very mild climate, owing to the Barada, which runs through it and to its numerous fountains or springs. It is surrounded by the groves and gardens of the Ghouta which stretch about ten miles south and east and include twenty-nine villages, the inhabitants of which are devoted to fruit culture (oranges, lemons, etc. especially plums and apricots).
Shâm (Shem) is the Syriac name of the elder son of Noah. His name is in Arabic is Sam. After The Flood, Sham decided to live in the land which is today called Damascus. Sham became the name of a land that includes Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine. Some geographers refer to this land (Bilad al-Sham) as the Great Syria.
. 624 AD....."In 624 AD, a Moslem invasion weakened the Kingdom of Shambhala."(Roerich: 753) (Geoffrey Hopkins: 60)...
. 624 AD..(Arabic Historians)......"The Great Battle of Badr took place two years after the Hijra in 624 AD. This was the first battle that the believers ever engaged in with the disbelievers, and it is, by far, the most famous and most renown, becuase of the several extraordinary events that occured during it. Rasoolullah (saws) had encouraged the Muslims to oppose the Quraish caravan which was returning to Mecca from Sham." ......At this battle the pagan army from Sham consisted of 950 warriors.........
. They went to Wad! al Qura where they tarried a while and then proceeded northward until they reached Adhri'at near the frontier of al Sham,
. in 624 C.E., a non-Indic religion will arise in Mecca. Because of a lack of unity among the brahmans?people and laxity in following correctly the injunctions of their Vedic scriptures, many will accept this religion when its leaders threaten an invasion. To prevent this danger, Manjushri Yashas united the people of Shambhala into a single "vajra-caste" by conferring upon them the Kalachakra empowerment. By his act, the king became the First Kalki ?the First Holder of the Caste. ........... As the founding of Islam dates from 622 C.E., two years before Kalachakra? predicted date, most scholars identify the non-Indic religion with that faith. Descriptions of the religion elsewhere in the Kalachakra texts as having the slaughter of cattle while reciting the name of its god, circumcision, veiled women, and prayer facing its holy land five times a day reinforce their conclusion.
. In 624 AD the Sassian Shah Yazdigird is defeated by the Arabs at the battle of Nahavand...In Iran, the great Sassanian dynasty collapsed in the 7th century under the Arab onslaught...."in the era of the Mlecchas, the starting year of the Kalacakra chronology is the first year of the Hijra, calculated from the year 624 AD."..( 753)....
. 624 AD...'the Emperor Heraclkes captures the Persian residence of Ganzaca (Ganjak) with its cosmic throne room." (Sacral Kingship: 484)...
SHANG-SHUNG..."Was an intermediary between historical periods and peoples." (Kuznetsov: 568)...Three regions: sGo-ba (outer), phug-pa (inner), bar-ba (middle)...King Trigum Tsenpo (1st century AD King of Shang Shung)...Shangshung was conquered by the expanding Tibetan empire in the 7th Century AD.
SHANG SHUNG...Information on the language and culture of Shang Shung (Zhang Zhung, Zan Zun). Until the 7th century, an independent, non-Tibetan kingdom, with its own language and history..... Especially the Zhang-zhung terms: WER RO (king), NYI RI (sun), SHE TUN (heart)(Kvaerne: 1996).... The Zhang-zhung dialect is somewhat related to Tibetan, but it is closer to the modern Kanauri language of the western Himalayas. (Reynolds:1996)... Translations on the early history of Zhang Zhung from the Zhang Zhung Nyan Gyud (See Wangyal:1993 p 209)..."The Tibetan script U-Med is based on the ancient script of Zhang-Zhung. This script is called sMar-yig or Lha-bab-yi-ge, which means "script descended from the heavens" and is possibly 3000 years old. ( 178)....Article in Montreal Gazette (December 12, 1997): The French explorer Michel Peissel announced that he has found remnants of Shangshung in the remote region of Tibet. (Reuters)..."Thirty three generations of Shang-Shung Kings reigned from Nyatri Tsenpo to Songtsen Gampo who died in 649 A.D.) (Norbu: xvi)....."The Dzogchen teachings of the 'Oral Transmission of ShangShung' have enjoyed direct and uninterupted transmission from ancient times to the present, whereby apart from the inherent value of the teachings themselves, they are also extremely precious as historical sources." (Norbu: 1995, pg 218)...See "The Zhang Zhung Language", A Grammar and Dictionary of the Unexplored Language of the Tibetan Bonpos" by Eric Haarh, Kobenhaven: 1968"..
SO...."The Turks originated in the country of SO, located north of the Hsiung-nu." (Litvinsky: 328)...
SOGDIANA...(Suli)...the fertile lands between the Oxus and Jaxartes. The district surrounding Samarkand. One of the four earthly paradises. Bukhara was the religious center 150 miles west of Samarkand. (LeStrange: 460)...Ruled by Greek Seleucids after Alexander...the area around Lake Aral...Sogdian is a Middle Iranian language...
STRITAJYA.. (Suvarnagotra)(Sauromatae)..The Land of Women....An area that Alexander the Great was not able to conquer...( 34) An interesting Kingdom of women warriors northwest of Shang Shung.....See Hermann: An Historical Atlas of China: 1966..."The country referred to about the ant's gold and the Amazons whom Alexander was not able to conquer." (Stein: 35)...."Alexander met with Thalestris, Queen of the Amazons in Parthia in 330 BC (Near the Caspian Sea). She arrived with 300 women warriors in full armour, equipped as horse warriors. She told him she wanted a child by him. He spent 13 days with her.She died soon afterwards and with her disappeared the name of the Amazons." (Newark: Women Warriors..1989)..."Women warriors were quite eviden in the Massagetae of 500 BC. Herodotus reported: 'the women ride hunting and to war and dress the same as men'. In the reign of the Median King Astibar there was a war between the Sacae and the Medes. The leader of the Sacae was called Zarina, a female warrior. When Amorg, a later king of the Saccae was captured by Cyrus of Persia, his wife Sparetra gathered an army of 300,000 men and 200,000 women. According to Herodotus, when the Persians went to war with the Massagetae, the leader of the latter was Tomyris, widow of their king." (Rudenko: 212)...
SWAT.....(35N..72E)...Uddiyana...(Tib: Orgyan) Padmasambhava...a largely inacessible region in Pakistan was conquered by Alexander and became a stronghold of Buddhism..."Birthplace of Padmakara and also the region where Tilopa resided. Geographically between Afghanistan and Kashmir." (Nalanda: 371)...Suvastu is the Swat River in the Rigveda...Oddiyana (Swat in modern Pakistan)...
TAJIKS...."upper reaches of the Amu-Daria River. Extremely remote valleys cut off for millennia. In some of the villages the people are dark haired, dark eyes and a few miles away in another valley the people are blond and blue eyed with white complexions...."..(Cameron: 226)...
TAJIKSTAN...."People of Iranian stock who inhabited Central Asia before the Turkic migrations. Pale skinned Europiform Pamirians with light hair (10% blonde) and eyes (15% blue)." Shoumatoff: 9)...
TARTARS..."his men were Tartars and white complexioned. Kuagurat was the Tartar city of beautiful and fair-skinned women where the Kublai Khan selected his concubines." (Marco Polo in Waugh: 29)..."In 1223 AD a calvary detachment of Ghengis Khans Mongols (Tatars or Tartars) swept out of the Caucasus and defeated the Russians and the Polovtsi at the Kalka River (30 E..44N)."
TAZIG (Leopard)...See Persia
TURKS...They originated in Mongolia...Not a pure unified ethnic group...First zenith was in 550 AD from Manchuria to kazakhstan. Eastern Turks (Celestial Turks)..."Among the Turks and Uighurs, shamanistic beliefs remained the sub-stratum of their spiritual concepts. Turks lived in the Altaic Region. Very powerful in the 6th century AD. The Turks originated in the country of SO, located north of the Hsiung-nu." (Litvinsky: 328)..."the conquest of most of western Central Asia by the Turks in the late 6th Century." (Beckwith: pg 9)...Uyrgurs: now Chinese Xijiang, formerly East Turkestan..."The Turks originated in the country of SO, located north of the Hsiung-nu." (Litvinsky: 328)..."Turkic tribes of the Altai, Sayan, and Yien Shan Mountains, Aral and Caspian baisns, and the Yakut. The peoples of Asia who speak dialects of the Turkic language. (Chadwick: 3)...The Turks, though dispersed and never populous, impinged strongly on several great civilizations...China, India, Persia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Byzantium....."The early Turkic tribes were quite diverse, although it is believed that reddish hair was predominant among them prior to the Mongol conquests. The Western Turkish Empire was ruled by the Celestial Blue Turks (Kok Turks). The western Turkish empire was broken up as the result of civil wars in the 7th century. Yet the Kok kaganate provided the system of government and the succession of kings. Caucausus capitals include Balanjar, Samandar ( a coastal town noted for its beautiful gardens and vineyards). In 750 AD the capital moved to Itil (Atil) on the edge of the Volga River. The king's palace was located on a island nearbye, which was surrounded by a wall. The staple food of this region was vegetables and fish. The kagan was the supreme king and the bek was the civilian army leader. Different religions were tolerated." (
"The Tarim River in East Turkestan. Thus 'Shambhala' must be a special name for the Uighur Kingdom centered at Khocho that flourished circa 850-1250." (Newman...1985)...... Defeated the Turks in Mongolia in 744 AD...Converted to Manichaeism in 759 AD...Turkish people with the capital at Karakoram in northern Mongolia until 840 AD. Conversion to Manichaeism in 763 AD. Active until the 13th century in the Tien Shan.(Chadwick: 7)......"With the Mainichean religion the Uighurs also took over the Soghdian alphabet, derived from Syriac, and developed it into the famous Uighur script." (Knobloch: 224)...Manichaen documents entered Tibet via the Uighur Kingdom in the 7th Century AD...Hor?....
UGARITS..."An ancient crossroads and seaport in the Near East...Alphabet was used by both the Greeks and Israelites...between 17th and 15th centuries BC...Asherah was their mother goddess..'she who treads on the sea'..."(Petty: 1990)...
URGYEN...near Ghazni in modern Afghanistan
WAKHAN...the gate of Tibet...
ZAM...(leStrange: 356)...
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