Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Explorations into the Kalachakra


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"SHAMBHALA...."In 624 AD, a Moslem invasion weakened the Kingdom of Shambhala."(Roerich: 753) (Geoffrey Hopkins: 60)

In 624 AD the Sassian Shah Yazdigird is defeated by the Arabs at the battle of Nahavand....."in the era of the Mlecchas, the starting year of the Kalacakra chronology is the first year of the Hijra, calculated from the year 624 AD."..( 753)....

The Turkic Ghaznavids conquered Kabul in the 980s. It was at about this time that the Kalachakra teachings openly appeared in India, transmitted in visions to two Indian masters attempting to reach Shambhala. Although the Muslim Ghaznavids tolerated Buddhism and Hinduism in Kabul, they smashed the Ismaili Islamic state of Multan in north central Pakistan in 1008. The Ismaili Fatimids in Egypt were the rivals of the Ghaznavids for supremacy over the entire Muslim world. After this victory, the Ghaznavad ruler Mahmud of Ghazni, driven undoubtedly by greed for more land and wealth, pressed his invasion further eastward as far as Madhura, south of Delhi. He looted and destroyed the wealthy Buddhist monasteries that lay in his path. When the Ghaznavad troops pushed northward from Delhi, however, and tried to invade Kashmir, the Kashmiri King Samgrama Raja, a supporter of both Buddhism and Hinduism, defeated them in 1021. This was the first attack on Kashmir by a Muslim army. The Kalachakra Tantra reached Tibet from Kashmir in 1027, the year predicted by the First Kalki.

The 7 dharmaraajas and 25 rigdens, bodhisattvas and wrathful kings, are 32 emanations, and as for the last seat, there are 32 generations of seat holders and 25 rigdens. Jamyang Rigden Drakpa himself again is the asura conquering all the Lalo enemies with lives of 100 years, having in his hand a wheel. Grasping a wheel in his hand he rises. As for Lalo taming rigdens, those to be conquered are the Lalos. Why so? The way of arising of the Lalo teacher and the Lalos' behavior, is taught.

Adra, Anogha, phag ldan, in the asura/ naaga families, having darkness/ thamas there are also 5 others

"In the Kalachakra text's list of Prophets we find mention of the "White-Clad One", probably referring to Mani. Buddhists believe that Buddha himself gave this Root Kalachakra Tantra in the ninth century B.C. and that the First Kalki King of Shambhala wrote The Abridged Kalachakra Tantra in the second century B.C. The Kalachakra Tantra appeared in India in the late tenth century and was probably written about this time. It predicts the coming of an Islamic Messiah figure named Mahdi about 2424 AD. In the Kalachakra text we read:

If you ask who propagated the Dharma of the mlecchas, it says, "Adam, Noah, and Abraham of the asura (caste) and, from the naga caste, the five others with tamas: Moses, this one, and The White-Clad One, Muhammad, and The Emanation. That eighth one will be the blinded one. The seventh will manifestly come to the cities of Baghdad and so on in the land of Mecca." Those with these names of non-Buddhists, and so on, will propagate the Dharma of the asuras. Among these, the one called "The White-Clad One" is Mahamayin. That one will propagate the Dharma of the asuras and so on in the cities of the land of Mecca and so on. If you ask what kind of land is that, it says, "(It is the place) in this world where the asura caste will have the form of the powerful, merciless mlecchas." A Commentary on Difficult Points Called "Padmini"

AA dra means half or murderer/executioner ..........
Anogha, means no waves or without sickness............

The other 5 are of the family of a particular kind of asura called lag a'gro [going on the hands] having a naaga family thamas birthplace. These Naaga king and other [teachers] are also 5.

byi ba [mouse]............
Wangpo, lord............
Gökarchen, having white garments [same words as Pandaravasini]............
Drangtsi Lodrö [honey intellect Madhumati].............
Jomje (or Thrugje )............

Those are the 8 with darkness as a birthplace]. "Andhaka" is both blindness and darkness, from which Pemachen and Garö Lotsawa come up with the idea that these 8 are blind. In any case, with these Lalos' evil doctrine's inner darkness, they might as well be blind, and after dying they are born in hell. Some think that it is the darkness of hell that they will have.

gsal bar In Mongolia, or the space country, in the cities of Baagada, meaning speech given, etc., the 7 Lalo teachers up to Drangtsi lodrö, Madhumati, Honey Intellect are truly born. Madhumati spread the Lalo dharma tradition founded by As such and as the founder of

who initiated Lalo formula astrology he is revered as the leader and guru of the Lalos.

As for the behavior of the Lalos, whatever country in the world they are in, they have asura aspects or proclivities or are of that family, the party of Maara. Dwelling on having power and violent action, without kindness toward sentient beings is the Lalo form or way.

The people in those countries, personally kill camels, horses, and cattle and eat their flesh together with the blood with little cooking, mostly raw, as their only food;

or only cooked on a fire when with forest-fruits, it is these people's food.

A hundred pechas agree that ba lang sha is beef and dngul chu, usually mercury or semen, is "womb-water of the horned ones." Garö Lotsa translates "'bu btsas chu'" as "child-bearing water" and notes that the holy Sakya Lama's Great Commentary says that is cream. I think milk might also be suitable. He says: water, oil, and salt are mixed equally with forest fruits, grain and leaves, and then cooked together on a fire. Where they live, in Space City, Mongolia, that is the food of the Lalo people."

Birds eggs are their drinks." They make a sort of eggnog from beaten eggs. Kye, Lord of Humans, such practices are the style of the asura Lalo people's place or country. Having dark minds, the Lalos too arise by the power of time, thus how does the Bhagavan say that transmutation of these will occur within the realms of sentient beings?

There are 2 ways this can be explained, absolute and relative. 1st for supreme students bindu is upaaya and male and nüma is prajñaa and female. The suchness of these two, inseparably joined as the 1st Buddha wisdom kaaya, is the eye medicine clearing away obscuring dimness, the sky soarer or garuda who eats the poisonous snake of the kleshas, and the divine river that washes away obscuring stains. In the world anything like that is not given. A supreme .ri.shi, treading the supreme path straightforwardly and exactly, by the 2 siddhis satisfies all desires without remainder.

This is the fortress that Maara cannot destroy and the lightning of shining wisdom in the dark tomb of ignorance. Those verses symbolically express the meaning, and by that function good insight becomes inner supreme insight the changeless supreme aspect This becomes the 60 parts of completion of the 22,600 instants. These express the principal, special features of the teacher's mind. As it has no motion or thoughts of motivation, in accord with the individual language of those to be tamed, the speech of the teacher always is distinguished by speaking with supreme divine speech; and without a body gathered together from atoms, the ruupakaaya nature possesses emptiness the supreme of all aspects.

While not moving from the wisdom kaaya of buddhahood, for the sake of those to be tamed, by undertaking buddha activity, with the form [or nature] of true motion these ruupakaayas enter the earth for the sake of beings benefit and happiness. Thus the wisdom kaaya of the Victorious One,

because it is non-dual, abiding in equality with supreme unchanging space, whatever knowables previously have arisen, are presently arising, or will arise in the future, are prophesied and told. Such a Dharma teacher knows all that has arisen or will arise within the 3 times. Particularly in various shastras of the sciences and philosophy etc that see the topics of this side giving good reasons for cutting off exaggerations of insight etc., rectifying the words of the scientific shastras, and in medicinal science having both curing and protecting qualities, completely expressing all the cause and fruition vehicles, such a teacher teaches the Dharma.

These teachers are joined to the inner meaning, by the divisions of the 4 joys, bindu, and the 10 nüma wisdom praa.nas etc., which are not mentioned here.

For ordinary ones to be tamed by relative appearances in a variety of forms, to benefit beings, the teacher, substantially establishing bindu in the forehead etc., goes invisibly and in space and so on. Many things of different kinds that satisfy various desires are established, such as fortresses which outsider aggressors cannot breach. Teachers go wherever they want like lighting. In their minds the sight of suchness, good insight, the changeless aspect of supreme mind is attained. Teaching the Dharma in the languages of the gods etc., without coarse body, attaining a body of the essence etc., teachers benefit practitioners on earth with various siddhis of mantra form or nature, teaching the knowables of the 3 times, the 5 sciences, etc. to those to be tamed.

In brief, Lalo dharma arises from the cause of unknowing darkness, wrongly teaching the meaning of things, and harming sentient beings. For this reason it produces unhappiness. The Buddha Dharma tells how to reverse that.

Then from the Root Tantra the Bhagavan, bestowing the true word on King Suchandra says, Glorious king, and when he had so addressed him, Suchandra, having commented on the Root Tantra for some "days," ie 1 year lasting 360 days, you will teach it to others and build the palace of Kaalachakra. Having completed those and other actions, in the center of the very famous country of Shambhala, in the city of Kaalaapa, surrounded by mountains in the 4 directions and of a measure of 100 pagtse multiplied by mda'a [5]

the emanation of Kshitigarbha Lhayi Wangpo himself will be established as a supreme ruler of humans and appointed to the teacher lineage. Suchandra, as for you, you will go to your own place, as the emanation from which 1st you came.

Some explain his own place as being the emanation of, some as sambhogakaaya or chang lo chen, the northern buddha field. This having been truly bestowed, the Buddha said, “as for the way of arising of the rigdens being prophesied, In the glorious Shaakya family, will arise the kings of Shambhala in the lineage of Nyima'i Ö and the very brilliant lords of humans from Suchandra to Lha'i Wangden, the 7 dharmaraajas. The 8th will be glorious Drakpa.”

Teaching the Root Tantra for 100 years, as for this Drakpa, his will be the vajra reality of glorious Jampa, Mañjushri, appearing in phenomenal form as the kings of Shambhala who will be called nirmanakaayas. Even the supreme deities will bow devotedly at their lotus feet. When Mañjushrikiirti has finished teaching the Dharma for 100 years, certainty will be given to the bhramin .ri.shis Chariot of the Sun etc.. By being empowered in the supreme mantra vehicle of the vajra caste. They held different castes, bhramins etc., or of no caste at all, with different disciplines.

Therefore, the secret mantra vajra empowerment will be given to the 4 castes, and all the brahmins will be made into a single vajra caste, the Sage's family, and because of that they will be called "rigdens." After that, the 8 kings of Shambhala up to Mañjushrikiirti also will be given the name "rigden."


In the Kalachakra text's list of Prophets we find mention of the "White-Clad One", probably referring to Mani. Buddhists believe that Buddha himself gave this Root Kalachakra Tantra in the ninth century B.C. and that the First Kalki King of Shambhala wrote The Abridged Kalachakra Tantra in the second century B.C. The Kalachakra Tantra appeared in India in the late tenth century and was probably written about this time. It predicts the coming of an Islamic Messiah figure named Mahdi about 2424 AD.


Although the “gZi-brjid” specifically identifies Olmoling and Shambhala, neither in the “gZi-brjid” nor the “gZer-mig” is there any mention of Armaggedon or the climactic battle between the forces of the Mlechas from the West and the forces of Shambhala led by the Kulika Rudrachakrin, as is found in the Buddhist recension of the “Kalachakra Tantra”. The Bonpo canon also possesses a variant recension of this “Kalachakra Tantra”, but it is said to be incomplete and it is classified as Kriya Tantra rather than Anuttara Tantra, as is the case in the Buddhist system.

John Hopkins....February 2021

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